Last year, after a long time, I am back to biking. My first goal was very easy鈥攚ithout preparation, just to start and bring more sport into my life. However, this...
Are you ready to take on a new challenge? Whether it's starting a fitness journey, launching a business, or mastering a new skill, having someone to hold you accountable can...
Setting SMART goals is an essential practice for anyone striving to achieve success, whether it be in their personal or professional lives. The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,...
UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tagi to fragmenty dodawane do adres贸w URL w celu 艣ledzenia 藕r贸d艂a ruchu na stronie internetowej. Pozwalaj膮 one na analiz臋 skuteczno艣ci r贸偶nych 藕r贸de艂 promocji online, takich jak...
Snippets added to URLs to track the source of traffic to a website are UTM (Urchin Tracking Module) tags. They allow us to analyze the effectiveness of various sources of...
Time is progressing, and we find ourselves in the third report of our one-year challenge, steadily making more and more progress. Starting with this episode, we will track and describe...
W dziedzinie marketingu cyfrowego zrozumienie pot臋gi analityki internetowej ma kluczowe znaczenie dla sukcesu online. Skoncentrujemy si臋 na Wprowadzeniu Ci臋 w 艣wiat analityki internetowej za pomoc膮 naszych przyk艂ad贸w i jej znaczenia...
In the realm of digital marketing, understanding the power of web analytics is paramount for online success. We will focus more on this illuminating journey as we introduce you to...
We are excited to announce the launch of a new series on our parent blog. Following the success of "Internet Business 101," a collaboration between and Blogelist, we are...
We embarked on our challenge in April, but since then, we've been silent. It's time to break the silence and take action! In this post, we present our initial update...